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A Look Back At 2017

Photo Credit: Erica Lee Photography

This past year has been a crazy roller coaster of emotions for us. I am pretty used to having a full plate, but this past year has really tested my capabilities. It was so exciting to see our vision for the shop come to life, but many times I felt overwhelmed. I wasn’t sure if I could handle the pressures of starting a small business. It was something I thought about for a long time and often day dreamed about, but I had no experience in starting or running a small business.

See the shops transformation over the last year...

This was a growing year for me and with that comes growing pains. I had so many fears of failure or not having the support of our local community. Somehow, someway all the scary things that I thought would crush me worked out and I got stronger and more confident.  I feel I am braver and more mature. I trust my instincts and follow that creative pull whenever I feel it call me. 

See highlights from our Flower Arranging workshop

Photo Credit: Erica Lee Photography

With the help and support of my family, friends and our community, my little hobby has grown into a real business.  My dreams have come to life and we have accomplished so many things I felt were Impossible at the beginning of 2017.  I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have so many opportunities to share my love of design and fresh flowers with you all.

see highlights from our pumpkin centerpiece workshop

Photo Credit: Erica Lee Photography

Thank you for all your support and kind words over this last year. Thank you to all those that came and continue to come to our monthly workshops. I’m looking forward to starting a new chapter in this upcoming year. I’m excited for the growing opportunities. I’m excited to see the shop continue to grow and accomplish its goals.

see highlights from our welcoming wreath workshop

Photo Credit: Erica Lee Photography

Let’s make this new year a beautiful one!